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Contact Persons

For any Query related to general issue of the DPSU/SHQ, may be done through contact details given below.
Note: For any Query related to indigenisation, may be done through contact details given under each item. Company Name of Nodal Officer Email Phone/Fax
1 AVNL Shri C Ramesh Babu rameshbabu[at]ord[dot]gov[dot]in 8332984997
2 AWEIL Shri Rakesh Kumar Sinha krsinha[at]ord[dot]gov[dot]in 9433560668/0512-2970139
3 BDL Sanjay Singhal bdlcorpqa[at]bdl-india[dot]in 738297827
4 BEL Shri Naresh Kumar S nareshkumars[at]bel[dot]co[dot]in 080-28381431/8762389724
5 BEML V.SEKAR gcio[at]beml[dot]co[dot]in 080-22963151 / 22963145 / Mob - 09449652679
6 DGQA KVR Sudhakara Rao kvr[dot]sudhkara[at]gov[dot]in 8595673550
7 GIL Vivek Gupta vivekgupta[at]ord[dot]gov[dot]in 0512-2983306 / Mob - 9760515771 / Fax - 0512-2321436
8 GRSE SHRI GULSHAN RATAN, GM (QA & Indigenization) Ratan[dot]Gulshan[at]grse[dot]co[dot]in Mob-9163361893
9 GSL Yatin N Hegde Dessai yatin[at]goashipyard[dot]com 9422642567
10 HAL Tapash Ghose gm[dot]indig[at]hal-india[dot]co[dot]in 080-22320664 / Mob 9900131873 / Fax - 080-22320361
11 HSL Rajesh Pandey dgmmdo[at]hslvizag[dot]in 9493792436 / Fax - 0891-2577502/356
12 IOL Raghav Gupta olf[at]ord[dot]gov[dot]in / raghavgupta[at]ord[dot]gov[dot]in 0135-2787101 / Mob - 7895800962 / Fax - 0135-2787181
13 MDL Amit Nabira anabira[at]mazdock[dot]com 022-23762706 / Mob - 8291995966
14 MIDHANI Santanu Saha santanu[dot]cct[at]gmail[dot]com 040-24184612 / Mob - 9154951816
15 MIL Kumar Vaibhav Gaur kvgaur[at]munitionsindia[dot]in 020-67080408/9013763678
16 SHQ (AIR FORCE) Gp Capt NN Kshirsagar doi[dot]1973yyygov[dot]in Mob- 8275205556
17 YIL Shri Vijay Kumar Iyer vkiyer[at]ord[dot]gov[dot]in 9443567517
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