IP Filing Process

  1. Filing of application by the creator of the layout-design on Form LD-1 accompanied with a registration fee of INR 5000 and three sets of drawings or photographs of mask layout at the SICLD Registry.
  2. The acceptance of the application.
  3. The registrar may accept, refuse, or accept the application with some modifications.
  4. The accepted applications shall be advertised within 14 days of acceptance.
  5. Any opposition to the advertisement can be filed within 3 months from the date of advertisement.
  6. The counter-statement to the notice of opposition, if any, is to be filed within 2 months from the date of receipt of a copy of the notice of opposition from the Registrar.
  7. A copy of the counter statement provided to the opposing party.
  8. The Registrar may take a hearing with the parties.
  9. The Registrar will decide on the originality of the layout-design and grant or reject the application for registration based on the conclusions reached by him.
  10. The aggrieved party can appeal to the Appellate Board or, in its absence, the Civil Court for relief on any ruling of the Registrar.
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